Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Election Night 2007

The election night was a really fun one this year. Our close friend Dan Satterberg was running for Prosecuting Attorney for King County, which covers Seattle and the surrounding areas. Besides working as the Chief of Staff for the Prosecutors office for 18 years, Dan has played bass guitar in Tom's band since Jr. High in the mid-70's. He wanted to rock the night away with his friends, so he booked the band into an Irish Pub in our old neighborhood and invited everyone to come party. The place was packed, and was swarming with TV cameras and press people. It was a fun celebration, and Dan led the race by a large margin all night long. As the results were periodically announced on the newscasts, the band was featured jamming in the background. It was a great bash!

Congratulations on the big win Dan!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Carrie,
I am Ramish Ramlochan. I lived in the same house with Rick and Nick in Brockton. I am interested in contacting Nick. Can you please email his address to me, or mine to him.
I am

Manmy thanks

8:41 AM  

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