Spring has sprung!
Spring is my favorite time of year. The weather has been incredible here in the Pacific NW lately. Sunny and warm. I don't think there is any place more beautiful than Washington State when we get weather like this, which is actually more often than people think.
Here are a couple of pics from my garden.

hi Carrie, Glad you enjoyed Paul B's vid for Walkin On the Grid. I'm still a bit flabergasted about Pete talking about how he liked it. What a great birthday present.
Looks like you had a great weekend getaway.
Dragons Red and White
by Tom Pratt
Dragon Red
In midst of purple flame,
He sits in calm repose
Holding fire in translucent wings
Like the sun that moves ever closer
To enflaming the earth
Dragon White
Claws clutching tight to root and branch
She reaches towards tulips that
Glow with mouth agape -
Thirsty for bright, white, light
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